WSJ says, "Music training does more than sports, theater or dance to improve key academic skills." Take a look at 5.

January 18 2015
Music Education

Here are WSJ's 5 main points:

  1. Music raises your IQ.
  2. Music training can reduce the academic gap between rich and poor districts.
  3. Music training does more than sports, theater or dance to improve key academic skills.
  4. Music can be an inexpensive early screening tool for reading disabilities.
  5. Music literally expands your brain.

We've also found published studies such as:

Improvements in English and Math Scores

Better SAT scores

Even if it takes the American School System long to catch up to implement these findings, we can, as parents, teachers, and friends prioritize musical activities to enrich our loved ones' lives. And perhaps give them an edge.

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